Call for abstracts

Abstract handling is carried out by:
MCI Amsterdam
Schipluidenlaan 4
1062 HE Amsterdam
The Netherlands
Tel.:   +31 20 5754220
E-mail:  [email protected]

Abstract submission is closed

Please click HERE for an overview of the Poster Session.



Abstracts could be submitted under the following topics:

Pharmaceutical practice:

  • Academic pharmacy
  • Clinical biology
  • Community pharmacy
  • Hospital pharmacy
  • Industrial pharmacy
  • Military and emergency pharmacy
  • Health and medicines information
  • Social and administrative pharmacy
  • History of pharmacy

Pharmaceutical sciences:

  • Drug design and discovery
  • Natural products
  • Formulation design and pharmaceutical technology
  • Pharmacokinetics/pharmacodynamics and systems pharmacology
  • Translational research and individualised medicines
  • Biotechnology
  • Analytical sciences and pharmaceutical quality
  • Regulatory sciences
  • Pharmacy practice research